Friday, May 27, 2011

Bow Form is Done

My bow form is pretty much completed. Since I have a whole week off of pretty much all school, I'll be working on my bow quite a bit, so be ready for more posts very soon.

My bow form--properly called a "Caul" allows me to bend the bow in the opposite direction than it would normally bend, giving it even more speed and poundage when drawn.


  1. Oooh nicee!! It's lookin' good :D

  2. hey just found your blog- looks good, do you have any pictures of a bow clamped to your caul?

    from a fellow bowyer, ~rico

    1. Sorry Rico, I don't have any pictures. It was a complicated process! I didn't have the best setup. I should have cut the flat side of the caul (especially the ends) to curve with the bent side. That way, the clamps would fit more securely. You wouldn't believe how tough it was to clamp a curved surface on one side and a flat surface (angled) on the other.

