Monday, March 21, 2011

In a bit of a dilemma...

Sorry about the camera moving around so much, I'll try to keep it more steady next time.

I'll continue to keep you posted with more videos!



  1. hmmm that is a problem...

  2. Lopsided in weight? Wouldn't it be just ounces off that you could correct with some small weight?

  3. The problem lies in the amount of wood to get the bow to bend. After I'm done shapping the bow, I'm going to take all that white wood (sap wood) off. It doesn't look like I have a lot of wood to work with in that spot when I take it down to the orange wood (heart wood).

  4. Hey
    Thanks for becoming my follower! I didn't know who you were so I came to check you out, and because I am interested in bow hunting, I thought I would follow.

    In Christ,

  5. Thanks Grant! I'm new to bow making, and have never gone hunting before... although I do plan to. Enjoy the videos and all the other tips on the blog!

    Yah bless,

  6. great stuff, nice to have lots of video content.
    I've not played with Osage as we don't get it in the UK.
    Happy bow making.
    Derek (Del the Cat)
